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Wheel Bearings

Front Wheel Bearings - All Models

Failure symptoms
An occasional clonking noise accompanied by a shuddering usually after braking at low speeds is typical.
The bearing cage breaks up allowing the balls to bunch rather than set at equal distance. Also the bits of broken cage get chewed up and often push the dust seal off the side of the bearing allowing water in and loss of the captive lubrication.
The larger bearing behind the spacer cap seems to fail first.


Sizes of bearings used
There are 1 x 6302-2RS - 15x42x13mm and 2 x 6202-2RS - 15x35x11mm.

DO NOT use C3 types as they have less close tolerance to allow for expansion in hot environments. The X9 wheel is not such an environment.

Method of removal and refitting
Tap the spacer tube sideways in alternate directions until the cover plate comes out of the bearing recess. With the speedo sensor side of the wheel downwards, using a length of steel bar about 6” long pushed down through the large bearing inner race, deflect the spacer tube sideways until you can feel the lip of the smaller bearing, then with a large hammer tap the bar so the lower bearings are drifted out.
When the first one drops out remove it from under the wheel then continue until the second falls out, then carefully lift up the wheel and recover the steel inner spacer tube and second bearing.
The tube has two spring wire rings around it nearer one end than the other. These go nearest the smaller diameter bearings. Turn the wheel over and drift out the larger bearing.

Clean up the bearing recesses, the inner tube and outer spacer tube ready for re-use.
Drift the smaller bearings in first then insert the inner spacer tube and then drift in the larger bearing and finally tap the cover plate into place with the captive outer spacer.
You could apply grease to all components to prevent corrosion although the bearings themselves are pre-greased and sealed for life.